The perennial ‘national question’ of how state power should be organised has preoccupied much of Sri Lanka’s colonial and post-independence history. Through decades of political instability and ethnic conflict, successive governments have repeatedly failed to develop power-sharing proposals acceptable to all parties and communities. Failures to arrive at satisfactory consensusContinue Reading

As reported in the media China has approved a 10 billion yuan ($1.54 billion) currency swap with Sri Lanka. Prior to this Sri Lanka settled a $ 400 million currency swap with the reserve bank of India. So what are all these currency swaps and how do they work?Continue Reading

While the Sri Lankan government is steadfast on repaying its debt, Verité Research Director Dr. Nishan de Mel shares his perspective on why Sri Lanka should instead focus on debt restructuring to alleviate the country and its people from economic hardships.Continue Reading

There has been no pressure whatsoever from India regarding solving issues faced by Tamils in Sri Lanka’s northern provinces, says Foreign Minister GL Peiris, who is currently on a three-day visit to India. Speaking to StratNews Global Editor-in-Chief Nitin A. Gokhale shortly after landing here, Peiris explained that the problemContinue Reading

Sri Lankan foreign minister GL Peiris, who is on a visit to India, has said that Sri Lanka will never allow any part of its territory to be used in any way against the well-being of India. He also assured that there is no chance of Sri Lanka falling inContinue Reading

Hit hard by the covid-19 pandemic, Sri Lanka is facing its most severe financial crisis in years. The nation’s inflation rate accelerated to 14% in December 2021 which is up from 11.1% a month earlier. Now for the second consecutive month, the country has recorded double-digit inflation growth.Continue Reading

India’s diplomatic victory : China Suspends Projects In Sri Lanka For a long time, China has pursued a strategy of converting small countries into colonies in the name of infrastructure projects .As part of this strategy, it has also encircled India’s neighbour. China has invested  more than $150 billion inContinue Reading

How exactly will a new plan to rule all Sri Lankan communities under one law effectively represent everyone, while also trying to help heal divisions within society? The decision to appoint a Buddhist monk to oversee these sweeping reforms is stoking controversy. Presenter: Hashem AhelbarraContinue Reading

Bangladesh’s $200 million currency swap is a loan in dollars that will be repaid with interest in Sri Lankan rupees. This has come as a respite for Sri Lanka as it is cheaper than borrowing from the market. Sri Lanka is struggling to maintain adequate forex reserves even as repaymentContinue Reading

State electricity workers in Sri Lanka are protesting against a power deal between the government and a United States company. Unions are threatening strikes and power disruptions if the agreement is not scrapped. Al Jazeera’s Minelle Fernandez has more from Colombo.Continue Reading

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has ordered importers, exporters, and those engaged in receiving funds for ‘goods and services’ provided abroad, including professionals, to convert their foreign currency earnings to rupees. This comes as the island nation is facing a severe foreign exchange crisis.Continue Reading

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is facing resistance to his ‘one country one law’ plan. In the latest, justice minister Ali Sabry has submitted his resignation, both for his parliamentary seats and his justice portfolio.Continue Reading

மூன்றாம் உலக யுத்தம்? (உண்மையின் தரிசனம் பாகம்-77)- நிராஜ் டேவிட் | Niraj DavidContinue Reading

China is seeking to build a more strong overseas logistics and basing infrastructure in order to allow the PLA to project and sustain military power over greater distances. the PRC is looking for additional military facilities to support naval, air, ground, cyber, and space power projection. Despite recently closing hundredsContinue Reading

Sri Lanka is witnessing daily farmer protests demanding fertilisers for their crops. The farmer protests come as the government imposed a ban on chemical fertilisers in May 2021. The govt’s move to ban chemical fertilisers was to make Sri Lanka the world’s first 100% organic farming nation. However, the newContinue Reading

A permanent P L A presence in the Indian Ocean is a source of concern to the India . China is expanding its presence in Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka has excluded India from its policy agenda. For example , it reversed its decision by cancelling a trilateral agreement made in 2019Continue Reading

The Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils and Moors share many genetic similarities, despite popular belief to the contrary. A four-year-long study by the University of Colombo and Genetech, a molecular science facility, recently made this observation about Sri Lanka’s major ethnicities, while researching something completely different.Continue Reading

China’s claims to the South China Sea have been well documented, but Beijing is extending its reach into other territories to protect what it considers its Maritime Silk Route. It is building ports that encircle India, raising concerns in New Delhi about its influence and China’s expansive foreign policy. CollinContinue Reading

Many from Sri Lanka’s minority muslim community say they’re being targetted. And in the latest decision affecting them, the government is reintroducing a ban on burqas. It says the full-face covering for women is a sign of what it calls religious extremism. And it’s barring them on national security grounds.Continue Reading